Welcome to the website of AGROPEST-AFA s.c. Food Pest Control Company – the oldest enterprise in the DDD industry in Poland.

We offer comprehensive solutions in terms of sanitary protection covering both preventive actions consisting in professional object preservation against pests as well as emergency pest control – disinfection, disinsection and deratisation.

Our objective is effective pest control with concurrent maximal care over the natural environment. We use only such formulations and methods which are safe for people and the surrounding nature.

We are the largest company in Poland specialising in fumigation of goods in containers imported to and exported from Poland.

We offer preventive protection procedures of wood fumigation in accordance with the requirements of the ISPM 15 standard. We are the first Polish company to develop and implement the methyl bromide wood fumigation technology. Currently, we offer ecological thermal fumigation without the use of toxic chemical substances. We issue fumigation certificates of worldwide recognition.

Our pearl in the crown is the export fumigation for the transport of agricultural and food goods. We are the only company in Poland that is a member of the exclusive IMFO group (International Maritime Fumigation Organisation). We guarantee our Clients the service in almost all ports of the world.